Arranounbai School is located in Frenchs Forest and supports students with a variety of additional needs. The student population is diverse and consists of children and young people K-12 with moderate to severe intellectual disability. Students may have a secondary disability which could include sensory needs, physical, autism and/or complex behaviours. Student population varies, usually sitting between the parameters of 30 to 40 students. Students are referred to Arranounbai through a Regional Placement Panel.
The staff is committed to continuous improvement of skills to best support student needs and growth through delivering high-quality individualised education. This is inclusive of academic, physical, social, behavioural and life skills to promote independence. All students and children, through Personalised Learning and Support Plans (PLSPs), participate in learning that is relevant and engaging, maximising their opportunity in post-school options and independent participation in society. Arranounbai has a strong focus of Functional Communication for all. The school achieves its outcomes for all students in collaboration with families, external providers and community members.
A comprehensive situational analysis has been conducted which led to development of the 2024-2027 Strategic Improvement Plan, both of which involved genuine consultation with students, staff, parents and the local AECG. Through our Situational Analysis we found areas for further development include supporting students to be Happy Relaxed Engaged (HRE) so they are ready to learn and independent to make requests.